Data is powered by OpenStreetMap ODbL, © https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright. All rights belong to OsmAnd app, Copyright © 2010-2024 OsmAnd BV.
Our team and contributors
Victor Shcherb - Founder and CEO, Product Lead.
Alexey Kulish - Technical Lead (CTO), Senior Android/iOS developer.
Eugene Kizevich - Marketing Lead (CMO) and Front-end developer.
Dmytro Prodchenko - Product Lead (CPO), UI/UX designer.
Dr. Hardy Mueller - Member since 2011. First map concepts and base renderers, audio code, international consistency and testing, usability, app scoping, strategic concepts, documentation, market research. Author of the Touring view map style.
Alexey Pelykh - C++ developer, created native library and made application much snappier.
Max (Zahnstocher) - Java contributor, active forum participant.
Leonid Barsukov - Software engineer, co-author of main OsmAnd rendering, author of UniRS, LightRS styles.
Dzmitry Aliaks - Scrum Master.
Vitalii Holinko - Senior Android developer, Android Team Lead.
Nazar Kutz - Android developer.
Yevhenii Kochubenko - Android developer.
Oleksandr Panchenko - Senior iOS Developer, iOS Team lead.
Sergii Kharchenko - iOS developer.
Maxim Kojin - iOS developer.
Dmytro Svitlychnyi - iOS developer.
Ivan Pyrohivskyi - Senior Java Backend Developer, Team leader Backend Team.
Kseniia Velychko - Java full stack Developer.
Yurii Kuzmenko - React developer.
Aleksandr Andrewschenko - OpenGL developer.
Ihor Yakovenko - OpenGL and C++ developer.
Tatiana Rud - Marketing and ASO manager.
Anastasiia Husak - HR manager.
Anatolii Tkachuk - Support and Manual QA.
Yurii Urshuliak - Support and Manual QA.
Zinaida Pavlova - Support.
Alexandra Foiht - Technical writer.
Formerly active participants:
Pavlo Stetsenko - Senior iOS Developer, iOS Team lead
Denis (bars) - Java developer, worked mostly on new UI and usability.
Dusan Kazik - One of the first contributors.
Andre Van Atten - Project supporter, active forum participant, one of the first users.
Yvecai - Main contributor to Contour lines and Hillshade maps.
Pavol Zibrita - First contributor and developer of some utilities.
Harry van der Wolf - Contributor (contribute to country boundaries + configuration file + address files and else), active forum participant.
Denis Kolomiets - Android and Backend developer.
Dmitrii Skalii - iOS developer.
Yurii Mazurevych - Android developer, all parts of application.
Alexander Sytnyk - Android developer, all parts of application.
Dmitry Reva - Android and Java Backend developer.
Dmitry Naumov - OpenGL developer.